Haus des Deutschen Verkehrsbundes
by Bruno and Max Taut, 1927-1930. Engelbecken, between Mitte and Kreuzberg.
nearby, going down the "Luisenstädtischer Kanal" to Oranienplatz is the former "Warenhaus der Konsumgenossenschaft", built between 1930-33 by Max Taut and Franz Hoffmann
Bruno and Max Taut were important personalities of Berlin's inbetween-wars-architecture. The elder one, Bruno, was an important motor for several "Siedlungen" and founded the artistic network „Die gläserne Kette“, (which later became "the Ring"), publishing a Revue and exchanging thoughts with the major contemporary architects like Gropius, Scharoun, brothers Luckhardt.. . Max is best known for his bureau buildings.